Wyatte: Open letter to Minister of VROMI

Wyatte: Open letter to Minister of VROMI

Att: Minister Giterson – Ministry VROMI St Maarten

CC: Council of Ministers, Members of Parliament, Governor of St Maarten

Sub: Open Letter to Minister Giterson – Progress as a blessing for all.

Bless day Minister Giterson, I would like to first thank you for taking time to review documents submitted to you on Sept. 10, 2018.

The journey to revitalize and safeguard Agriculture has not been an easy one for us as community leaders, entrepreneurs and NGO’s. The passion we carry for this sector is one we hold dare to our hearts and may from time to time express ourselves a bit passionately on pending matters in the right of truth and justice for all.

The objective of expressions are never to insult or embarrass government or its officials, but more to raise awareness about current situations that we may feel could have been given a bit more of attention on government’s behalf in the best interest of the people.

We as community leaders and government officials hold allot of responsibility on our shoulders and also at times are under allot of pressure. We also have to try administer respect and try to deal with our matters in a professional manner. This lesson also comes with growth for better.

Truth is we are all human, sometimes things may affect us all differently and also cause us to react based on our emotions or negative enegitical impact. Setting aside these indifference or emotions and looking at the bigger picture, will always be the best option for man to stand on common ground and work towards the sustainability for ourselves, family and country, Mentally, physically and spiritually. We see these disagreements overtime when our parliament gets together.

I am a young man carrying a heavy burden and so are you, your staff, inspectors and other government officials. Along the way we make mistakes, we face obstacles and in times also many challenges. The mission is never to let these distractions get us down, but to let them be a learning pillar of part of life experiences for us to rise up and stand proud.

I have always tried to do the right thing, abide by the law, sometime we may not know everything or procedure, sometime we all need guidance. I will always make an effort to ask and try my best to find out what I need to know or how I may be pointed in the right direction. We also need the guidance of you the ministers and government officials at times. Public awareness, cooperation, transparency, integrity and confidence is important to help us all move forward in a positive direction.

After the court case on Aug 14 2018, the Agricultural Research and Development Center was scheduled to be demolished on Sept 6, 2018. On Sept 5, 2018 I was granted a meeting with you at your office along with members of your cabinet in the presence of community representatives of the SPOEG to discuss the matter at hand.

After our meeting, you requested I submitted documents discussed and you would take some time to review those, especially, what you had not seen based on my request for the exemption, long lease and the Richardson’s Family false claim that were addressed by the former Minister of VROMI Minister Lake in Nov 2014 via Duncan and Brandon’s Law Firm. Based on the families claim of the said land, the main reason as to why the long lease and exemption was denied in April 23, 2018.

I was told by you and members of your cabinet to submit the documents within a week time and that I Could expect a definite answer perhaps a week later..

On Sept 5, 2018 a press release was published by the Dutch Parliament in the Daily Herald headlined ‘’Dutch Parliament supportive of Denicio Wyatte’s project’’, I am sure this also stimulated some positive energy at the time on the issue.

But, later that day you personally assured me that all will remain well with the agricultural center and that things just needed to be sorted out in the correct manner.

Confirming the positive outcome of the Agricultural Center, On Sept 9, 2018, The Ministry of VROMI issued a Press Release via Facebook and The Daily Herald headlined ‘’ VROMI has ‘no intention’ stopping Spaceless Garden” and outlined the positive effort of how the ministry supports the cause and looks forward to working alongside the project. Earlier that same day I met with you at the Agricultural Center so you may get a closer look at the project and the details of its direction, we shared positive dialog and the documents were submitted for your review on Sept 10, 2018 directly to your cabinet.

On Sept 10, 2018 I was given a follow up date to discuss the outcome on plans to move forward. This date was scheduled by The Minister’s Secretary and Mr. Weaver of his Cabinet for Sept 20th, 2018. Approaching the said date, this meeting was canceled and rescheduled for Oct, 5 2018.

On Oct 5, 2018 I received a call after requesting confirmation of the scheduled meeting and once again I was told that the meeting would have to be cancelled but this time there can be no said date set for another meeting as the Minister has allot on his hands and needs to handle a few personal and internal matters.

I mentioned to the Minister’s secretary that I understood, but would like to know what the outcome at this point would be. She assured me that during the course of time the minister needs to a handle his affairs no one will be attempting to demolish the Agricultural Center and that I should have a settled peace of mind at the moment.

After her explanation, I proceeded to explain to her that I could not be at peace when there is no finalization to the situation and I am not able to move forward or at least get the restroom completed so I may be able to create a hygienic environment for community members, students and visitors when they visit to learn more about the Agricultural Center. I explained to her that I am also not able to fully function as this is also part of how I try to provide for my family’s wellbeing and livelihood. Something government highly promotes in the newly developed National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP)

I requested permission to complete the restroom while awaiting the unsaid date. Thus far I was told that I would have to await a decision of the Minister.

Over the past 4 weeks I have waited patiently just as the last 4 years for government to understand the importance of Agriculture and the benefits it may bring to our community members and country. Despite the numerous press releases issued by government’s officials and department.

In reference to, published on Sept 7, 2018 via Minister Johnson’s FB page headlined ‘’Minister of TEATT Stuart Johnson Visits ESARDF’’

Minister Johnson expressed that ‘’the work being done by Wyatte“, is precisely the kind of practices that we should be encouraging everyone to do if they have some space in their backyard.” He told Wyatte while many in the past may have played politics with his dream of providing a sustainable organic food source to the community, he [Johnson] will work with his government to find solutions and support related projects as the portfolio of Agriculture falls under his Ministry.

Also Published more recently on Oct 16, 2018 via SXM Talks, CPS headlined ‘’CPS: OCTOBER 16 IS WORLD FOOD DAY. THEME: OUR ACTIONS ARE OUR FUTURE. ’’The press release of the department of Collection Prevention Services expressed ‘’The Collective Prevention Services (CPS), a department from the Sint Maarten Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour, says that adopting a healthier diet and supporting local food producers are actions that support and ensure our future.’’

Over the past month, myself along with the  Agricultural Center has engage in a number of community oriented activities with organizations such as an Interview with Rotary Sunrise and Sunset on community Development, Donated goods cultivated to organizations in need , engaged in a film project with production company from Puerto Rico on sustainable Eco Tourism along with St Maarten Tourist Bureau, Invited as guest Judge for the Annual Interscholastic Debate Competition 2018 of the St Maarten Youth Parliament, conducted consultation with several schools that were interested on implementing gardening projects. I was also contacted by the World Bank on Oct 12, 2018 inquiring about hydroponics in St. Maarten. Further contact was established by representative of the World Bank with me to understand a bit more on what possibilities are taking place with agriculture on St Maarten.

With all this going on, I know government and you, as minister of VROMI, also have your fair share of tasks. But the country and its citizen can no longer be held hostage when they may be able to help themselves.

In the mean time I do think I deserve a fair chance to be allowed the completion of the restroom at the center to be finalized so that male visitors no long have to go next to a tree and ladies can feel comfortable to stay bit longer as they intake the educational aspect of the center.

Members of the Tweede Kamer Publishisled a press release via www.koninkrijksrelaties.nu on Sept 5, 2018 headlined ‘’ De regering van Sint Maarten frustreert goede initiatieven’’ and expressed ‘’I have often noticed that for good initiatives from the population there is little support from the government and these are being frustrated. It is important that the right priorities are set for Sint Maarten.’’ Van Raak.  The committee agreed with the proposal that the minister who is currently on a working visit in the Caribbean should ask for an explanation.’’

Minister Knops responded in a Press release dated Oct 8, 2018 via www.koninkrijksrelaties.nu headlined ‘’Knops mengt zich niet in ruzie om Agricultural Center’’ He explained that while he supports the positive cause, it should be the duty of St Maarten Government to make a decision on the best way to move forward.

This, I also agree with Knops, but the question is when will our local government start to support our local community leaders and set things in place for its people to thrive ?

The support by local government is highly significant especially in a time like this after so many of us have lost so much by hurricane Irma and can barely provide for our families.

We can no longer turn a good eye to worthy causes and continue to do as if not thinking that consequences won’t come. Just as we see in case of Climate Change and Global Warming, nature is also crying for us to plant more trees instead of destroying them. Recently Our Prime Minister and Member of Nature Foundation also attended the Caribbean OCT Resilience Summit on Oct 25, 2018 where part of the focus is on Climate Change.

Despite many delays, cause by past and present governments to get certain things in place, not just on my behalf but on behalf of the entire country St Maarten itself, now more than ever it’s time to act, as we also have to live up to the very constitution we serve :


Article 18

1. The government’s constant concern is directed at the protection of children and young people and the promotion of their right to education, welfare, cultural development and leisure activities.

2. The government’s constant concern is directed at the protection of elderly and persons with a disability and at the promotion of their health and welfare.

The Elders, young women and men find the Agricultural Center and Community Garden of SP a place they can call home !

I would like to request and ask the Minister of VROMI Mr Giterson the following and would like to receive a response with in a timely manner:

  • A letter in reference as to why the cancellation of meetings scheduled for Sept 20th and Oct 5, 2018 in writing;
  • Permission and blessings to complete the restroom at the Agricultural Center;
  • When I may be able to acquire another date to resolve this matter?;
  • Why should we, as St Maarteners, suffer the most to achieve a contented life in our own island!?;
  • How long more will it take to complete this process, now that all documents have been submitted?;
  • How long will government continue to stop those that can help themselves to provide a better living opportunity for their community, family and country?;
  • If the world Bank is Interested in Developing Agriculture for St Maarten, What will be The Ministry of VROMI’s Plans for providing adequate land space for commercial farming and job opportunities?

Another interesting article Published on Sept 20th 2018 via www.nrc.nl entitled ‘’St. Maarten ideaal voor duurzame toekoms‘’ The author Louise O. Fresco chairman of the Wageningen U & R Executive Board and writer outlined ‘’In veel opzichten is Sint-Maarten een ideale kandidaat: er valt meer regen en het is dichter bevolkt dan andere eilanden in het gebied. De landbouw bestaat nu nauwelijks. Voor het toerisme, de dominante economische sector, moet bijna alles geïmporteerd worden. Kansen te over om de economie te hervormen met ecologisch verantwoord toerisme, lokaal voedsel van land en zee, slimme sensoren om afval en water te meten en te bestemmen voor hergebruik en openbaar vervoer op het hele eiland om het aantal auto’s terug te dringen. Ook in de ruimtelijke planning liggen kansen door een meer geleidelijke overgang tussen stad en platteland, woonwijken in het landschap met volop ruimte voor biodiversiteit en voedselproductie, vegetatie en bassins voor opvang van regenwater. Wijken dus met groen en stadstuinbouw, schone energie en volop wandelpaden voor bewoners en toeristen, met zorgvuldige zonering van kust en koraalriffen.’’

Those that can help themselves, we should try our best to help them get where they need to go. In return they may be able to help others. This also helps us to share the responsibility and not feel burdened with obligations to help everyone all at once. Helping everyone is something we may never be able to accomplish. But one step, one person at a time consistently will allow us to achieve greatness in times to come for St Maarten..

Members of Dr J Foundation recieve free cultivated goods from the Agricultural Center. That may help to provide meals for shelter they manage.

I have been granted the opportunity to have a meeting with the Prime Minister on Nov 2, 2018 to further present my case just for her review.

As usual, I will not expect any changes, just the fact for her to hear the full truth and get a chance to see documents first hand makes me contented toward moving forward. It is always good to have another eye exposed to the truth whether or not they actually influence change. I became use to the fact that in most cases, it’s all about just a smile and a picture and not actually about the solution. What I do expect is that once exposed to the truth, a person now has a chance to play their part and making the right choices so that the universe works in their favor and may help us to achieve progress as a blessing for all.

It was a pleasure to speak with you back in Sept 2018, no love lost only emotions expressed. I look forward to sitting with you again in the near future to see how we may be able to share our views and mission toward revitalizing, safeguarding and building back a greener, stronger, more resilient and sustainable St Maarten.

”We must remember that no one is promised tomorrow. So once we’re in the right place, at the right time, to do the right thing, then it must mean that we are actually chosen to make a difference, Today.” – Wyatte 

Wishing you much Health, Strength and Blessings,

Mr D. Wyatte

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