Showers of blessing for the new year in St Maarten

Showers of blessing for the new year in St Maarten

Today was an amazing day.. First day for the new year was showered with blessings of rain in St Maarten. Ground got some nice ground saturation so plants over the next few days will thrive.. Got to the farm a bit late today because of the early rain, but was eager to see what the shower did to the garden area.

St Maarten Agricultural Research and Development Center

Took a walk around and had a few things blew over and needed a bit of attention, but was over joyed with just with how the rain water had the place looking, St Maarten is truly blessed..

Today as I walk around, I gathered luffa, string beans, sorrel, okra, ackee basil and sweet peppers. I thought to myself ‘’ Imagine that, I got so much food to eat and stuff to make drinks already for the next few days, jah is good’’ With just quick walk through I was able to have my crate overflowing with organic freshness, so i just decided to grab a few things which ill use this upcoming to prepare in the kitchen for volunteers and visiting guest. 

I also look forward to sharing with you guys the amazing meals I’ll be preparing using these great veggies from the garden.

This year I plan to keep the blog a whole lot more active as i share my years of research while developing the St Maarten Agricultural Research and Development Center. St Maarten is so fruitful and i look forward to sharing more with you guys on sustainable crop types, disease, care and maintenance, education, health, building great partnerships and business.

No matter how we look at it, we all have to eat everyday and keep food on the table for our children. Lets make sure this year the walk a lil shorter from the back yard to the table instead of the from the supermarket, 

I want to encourage you’ll all that in 2020, let’s not allow the soil to go untouched, don’t be afraid to get your nails dirty, for this just might be the direction that may save us and our country in troubled times. Lets not take  our food security for granted and the livelihoods of our future generations to come.. Support more  Agriculture Development in 2020.

Also want to thank the 30 members that contributed over the course of time that allowed us to get this far..

All members that look forward to renewing their membership this year , we look forward to organizing some great social activities to help you get the best out of your membership subscriptions this year…

Dont forget to ready CX NOV \ DEC 2019 EDITION HERE ONLINE.

Dont forget to also gIve us a like on FB

One love 

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