4 Weeks later, great progress has been made with participants of the ECO Learning Program focused on Agro-Ecology. Week 4 covered very vital topics such as Plant Care and Maintenance, Plant Production Systems, Fertilizers, Pesticides and Transplant Shock.

Now, understanding why we should be planting towards impacting positive climate action, we went ahead and germinated our seeds and translated after the second week, knowledge of soil selection has been applied for plant production systems and thus leading to week 4, which is very crucial to the next step of allowing the plants to thrive to their best ability by applying the best maintenance practices. We also took a look at other plant production systems such as Hydro-Ponics, Aqua-Ponics and Succession Planting.
Past 4 weeks, participants gained basic knowledge on Climate Change, Creative Purpose and Hurricane Preparedness in the first week. Seed Germination, Taking Cuttings and Clones in the second week and Plant Science, Layers of the Soil, Soil Types and Save the Soil Movement in the third.
The focus of past 4 weeks was to equip and engage participants in virtual and hands on activities that will help to stimulate more commitment to positive climate change. We will never be fully able to solve the problem if we truly have no clue as to how and why today drastic climate changes is happening at a rapid and impartial pace, which leave all other living species including us humans at risk to amplified natural disasters.
Understanding that we as humans also contribute to man made disasters such as pollution, water contamination, oil drilling, soil depletion and deforestation for development etc, only then can we try to right our wrongs by contributing to positive climate actions while planting and mulching as much as we can towards complimenting nature.
Thus far groups A-D has successfully germinated and translated their Flint Corn, Salad Mix and Hot Peppers on the green house racks to get them prepared for cultivation in week 5, which is this upcoming week.
‘’I am proud of all the participants for their consistency and dedication thus far toward the Eco-Learning Program focused on Agro-Ecology. This is a great start toward a confident mind set, that may lead to positive community development ’’ Wyatte
Week 5 – History. This week we explore the past pioneers that championed agriculture for St Maarten and also take a look at how fruitful and productive St Maarten was in the 1950’s.
We also want to thank Mr Dwight Barren for allowing us access to his Archives on Agriculture that will help to bring more awareness on some of the challenges and triumphs we endured.
We also want to thank Community Development, Family & Humanitarian Affairs and Eco St Maarten Agricultural Research and Development Center Foundation for their continuous support !
Once again, to understand the challenges then and now may be our only way towards paving a sustainable road forward with agriculture for Country St Maarten.
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