CX March 2024 – Get up and Stand UP

Its truly been awhile since covid that my writers block would not seem to vanish. Just the circumstance at times allow you to drift into a state of mind that if your not careful, you can loose your path along the way. Not that I have lost my path, but really lost the motivation to write in a time when the world needed a different level of attention..

I my case, how to keep food not only on my table, but the tables of many other community members. With that, I just want to keep it short and simple for this March 2024 Edition as I get in the vibes to write a bit more and release April 2024 in the following few days to come.

To keep things alive I am asking my supporters that know agriculture can be a thriving sector to support CX in the next Edition for print. Your support goes along way and will help us to get our physical print back on the road to over 50 distributions points offline and channeled through the world wide web to broaden the awareness and reach of your products, service or organization.

Support the cause by selecting one of our packages at WP or feel free to reach out to me directly at +17215244733, as you know I try to stay connected to as much community member that reach out to me.

CX March 2024 Edition connects you to where we last left off with June – Dec 2023 and highlights a few things that I felt were important to share with the general public. Things we may have thrown to the side and things that can have a significantly positive impact on our day to day lives.

Thats what CX is here to do, with your help we can continue to do just that. Keep the community Culturally in tuned !

Thank you all for your support over the years, and I look forward to making CX something the surrounding communities and world can embrace.

To read a bit more about what we have been up to over the pass 8 months on the progress with ECO St Maarten Agricultural Research and Development Center Foundation, feel free to check out this Press Release Get up and Stand up with R4CR Also published in the CX March 2024.

Love and blessings


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