As we get deeper into the heat of summer and hurricane season, we want to wish everyone a safe and bless journey. Keep hydrated and also start getting prepared for the worse but hope for the best as nature has her own role to play and no one really knows when she will start her journey. So, it is always best to be safe then to have regrets..
In this months Edition of Cultural Xpression we touch base with a man that has played a significant role in documenting St Maarten History.

Mr Dwight Barran, Born Antillean of 1952 of the Island of Aruba, was one of the first in St Maarten to start filming everything in sight being intrigue by moving images behind the camera.
In this month edition we take you closer to a man we selected as one of St Maarten’s Icon, Mr Barran, well known in the media field for over 3 decades has the passion and eye for capturing the moment.. Mr Barran served the Windward Islands, representing St. Maarten in Africa, Asia, South America, Canada, the West Indies and the Caribbean among many more with his captivating footage of what we today may call historical.
We also shared some great info in this months edition on the health benefits of Watermelon, our plans for Agriculture this summer and why poverty leads to rudeness this month opinion Topic .
Catch what’s trending in the eco tourism world and get your business ideas and perspectives up by checking out great tips for business owners on pg 14 in the business section of CX June 2019.
So stay cultural in tuned every month and stay up to date with trending cultural topics highlighted throughout the month of June 2019.
Don’t forget to grab you copy of Cultural Xpression while on the road and stay culturally in tuned… One love
Read CX June 2019 Edition, CLICK HERE !

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