It’s time for round 2 of ECO Learning. Registration begins once again for the next round of the ECO-Learning program....
Archive for category: BROWSE BLOG

Cultural Xpression | Recovery and the Pandemic – Jan 2021
It’s been awhile since I got behind the pc to actually get Cutural Xpression back on track.. It’s challenging to...

Recovery, Development and the Pandemic on St Martin
By Dr Antonio Carmona Beaz Looking at 2020 in retrospect, the pandemic can be regarded as a great interruption to...

USM intern evaluates agriculture for school curricula.
By Dr Antonio Carmona Beaz After two full years of restoring its academic programming and securing accreditation for its degree...

Caribbean Research Programme Chair Assigned to Francio Guadeloupe
Former University of St. Martin (USM) president Dr. Francio Guadeloupe has become one of the two recipients of the Dutch...

ECO Learning with St Maarten Government & Spaceless Gardens
**PRESS RELEASE** Ministry of Public Health, Social Development & Labor Affairs Great Bay— In recognition of “World Food Day, observed...

Building great Partnerships is key towards the diversification of our economy and reducing our plastic waste
St Maarten has to power to produce anything, to be innovative and take on the world with an abundance of...

Cultural Xpression April 2020 | Celebrating 6 years during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Perhaps it just A Natural Mystic IN April that COVID-19, influenced St. Martiner’s to turn to Home-growing. As the COVID-19...

The COVID-19 pandemic: An opportunity to break with our past
By Antonio Carmona Báez For decades now, the search for economic diversification and drive to overcome the tourist-based, single pillar...

Carnival, Culture and COVID-19: A Moment to Reflect
By Dr. Antonio Carmona Báez Sint Maarten’s annual Carnival celebration, traditionally held in April, is by far the island’s most attended...