PHILIPSBURG–The Department of Social Services have teamed up with food suppliers and businesses to provide essential food items to needy...
Archive for category: BROWSE BLOG
Locally produced eggs now available on the market
Eggs packed and ready for distribution – Photo The Daily Herald COLOMBIER/PHILIPSBURG–Fresh eggs produced on-island are once again available in...
Sunflower Field
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montesmus. Proin vel nibh et elit mollis commodo et nec augue tristique...
Boardwalk Jazz Festival Sunday Oct 26,2014
The boardwalk Jazz Festival will be Monthly festival held every last sunday of the month and will focus on highlighting...
Fire victims ask, not to forget us
TDH – ST. PETERS–Victims of the St. Peters fire are struggling to get their lives back in order. Although...
Be A part of the St Peters Community Development Project
As election draws near the different Political Parties and Party members are out campaigning , WHO AND WHY we...
Your Invited to a walk for Agriculture – St Peters Community Garden
I am honored to be a part of this Agricultural venture that will gradually benefit you, you children and...
Official Audio release of the Hyacinth Richardson and Family Land dispute with Mr Wyatt
Over the past few days the Controversy of the Piece of property in the St Peters area that the Rchardson...
Wyatte reveals facts about Minister Maurice Lake 50,000 Guilders Land deal scandal
The property in St Peters that the richardson family claims to own, but Wyatte has the lease agreement for...